Their family names alone evoke horror: Himmler, Frank, Goering, Hoess.

Hitler’s Children is a film about the descendants of the most powerful figures in the Nazi regime: men and women who were left a legacy that permanently associates them with one of the greatest crimes in history. What is it like for them to have grown up with a name that immediately raises images of murder and genocide? How do they cope with the fact that they are the children of ... literally, not just metaphorically.
For more then sixty years, they have lived in the shadows, trying to rebuild their lives without the constant reminders of what their fathers’ and grandfathers’ once did. Only now are they ready to bare the scars that their legacy has left them. They are ready to talk about what it is like to be the children of ... literally, not just metaphorically.

FIlm Screening
Memorial Union 208: La Raza
Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 - 16:00